Justin GrammensJustin Grammens

Greetings AIoT readers!

This week we'll keep the introductions short. The BIG news is that tickets for the Applied AI Conference are selling fast. Register TODAY with a discount code of "iotweeklynews" or just click here to purchase your tickets at a discount!

In other news, I've released the latest episode of the Conversations on Applied AI Podcast, so please check that out on all your favorite podcast platforms be sure to subscribe and like our YouTube Channel.

You can also join us for an upcoming meetup tonight, Oct 5th! We'll be talking about the Feminist Data Set: Using Art, Design, and Technology to Combat Bias. Please register and join us!

Finally, we are having our annual IoT Hackday! If you are interested in IoT and plan to be in Twin Cities on Oct 22nd, register today and join us!

I hope you enjoy this issue, and please reach out to me anytime to discuss if you would like to present on a topic related to IoT, ML, and AI at a future meetup, conference or podcast.

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