Justin GrammensJustin Grammens

Greetings Artificial Intelligence and IoT Weekly News Readers!

Dropping another round of interesting AI & IoT articles from the Internet into your INBOX. For reference, you can always visit our website and browse the archives and other useful content. On to the latest news!

Tickets for the Applied AI Conference are selling fast. REGISTER TODAY with a 50% discount!

I'm super excited to be speaking this week at the University of Saint Thomas Selim Center for Lifelong Learning! The topic of my talk is What is the Artificial Intelligence of Things (AIoT) and How It is Changing Our Lives. I do speaking engagements often, so if you are interested in booking me to speak at your event or in your business on Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and/or Internet of Things, please reach out.

I just released a new podcast episode on bringing Deep Learning to microcontrollers with TinyML. I was super excited at the opportunity to meet Pete Warden and interview him as he's the author of an awesome book called TinyML, published by O'Reilly.

Finally, we had our Applied AI Meetup last week. Amazing presentation on The Feminist Dataset by Caroline Sinders. Visit our YouTube page and subscribe to watch it!

I hope you enjoy this issue, and please reach out to me anytime to discuss if you would like to present on a topic related to IoT, ML, and AI at a future meetup, conference or podcast.

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