Justin GrammensJustin Grammens

Welcome readers to Issue 147 of the Internet of Things and Artificial Intelligence of Things Weekly Newsletter! I'm excited that you have taken the time to learn about all of the new and exciting things going on in the area of Artificial Intelligence and how it applies to the Internet of Things.

Since our last issue, I have just published the latest Conversations on Applied AI Podcast! In that episode I speak with Mike Hugo on Using AI Technologies for Biomedical Analysis. It's fascinating to learn about how the biomedical industry is picking up this new technology and how it overlaps with IoT with regards to not only the image analysis but a whole host of areas related to Natural Language Processing (NLP).

I also had the pleasure of moderating a panel on Artificial Intelligence last week at the Minnesota Entrprenure 2021 Kickoff entitled, "Applying AI In New and Remarkable Ways". I will be posting the video of that session in the coming week. We had an amazing and insightful conversation with a number of experts in the field of AI in Agriculture, Medical, and Economics.

I would like to highlight that my company, Lab651 is hiring, so check out those positions. Specifically, I'm looking for help in the area of Computer Vision, Machine Learning, and Web Application Architecture. Reach out to me to learn more!

Finally, please checkout the next Applied AI Meetup on May 6th! We will be talking all about Artifical Intelligence and the Intellectual Property Landscape from an expert in the field. Be sure to Register Today!

Thanks again for subscribing to IoT / AIoT Weekly News and being a part of our community. I am truly blessed to be working in an area that I'm very passionate about. If you want to continue to stay engaged with me and our community, please reach out and connect with me. I would love to talk with you about your projects at the intersection of AI and IoT. I hope you enjoy this issue!

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