Justin GrammensJustin Grammens

Welcome Internet of Things and Artificial Intelligence readers!

As with each issue, I'm here to bring you some of the latest trends and perspectives on the overlap of Artificial Intelligence and the Internet of Things, or what is becoming more and more commonly called the AIoT.

Before we get into the articles, I just wanted to share a few things.

First, the latest episode of the Conversations on Applied AI podcast is out! This week, I talked with Jessica Meyer about why diversity and inclusion are important for AI practitioners..

Second, on the topic of AI, our Applied AI Meetup is meeting this Thursday, May 6th! We will be having a presentation on Artificial Intelligence and how it applies to Intellectual Property.

Finally, if you are looking for a job in this field, I did a presentation with the Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development where I talked about Lab651 and some of the applications we are working on the areas of IoT products and that we are hiring!

Hope you enjoy this issue! I am truly blessed to be working in an area that I'm very passionate about. If you want to continue to stay engaged with me and our community, please reach out and connect with me. I would love to talk with you about your projects at the intersection of AI and IoT.

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