Justin Grammens
Happy New Year and Welcome IoT Weekly News Readers!
I hope that your 2017 is off to a healthy and happy start. I look forward to continuing to publish issues this coming year that give you a summary of where the Internet of Things is making an impact, changing lives and advancing our lives further into the 21st century. I'm thankful that you are a subscriber and will be continuing the journey with me!
If you hadn't heard, the big event this week in the technology world is CES. I've selected a number of articles about what people are expecting, and not expecting to see this week at CES. Additionally, as we start 2017, I found a great piece covered at the end of the issue that summarizes the big stories in IoT for the past year.
2017 is starting off as a great year for IoT and I'm looking forward to continue to create, curate and publish IoT Weekly News each week. I hope you enjoy this issue and please remember to tweet it to your followers!

CES 2017: AR, vr, and IoT Will Be Hot, 3D Printing Not
I guess time will tell, but this article makes a lot of predictions on what the author feels will be the biggest sell at CES this week and what will ultimately start to see a decline in this and coming years.

Top 5 Internet of Things Trends of 2016
If you are looking for a good summary and links off to articles and coverage of the past year on the Internet of Things, you'll want to check this article out. A number of articles that we covered here at IoT Weekly News are cited. Will be fun to see the list at the end of 2017!

How Inventors and Ad Agencies Are Starting to Shape the Internet of Things' Next Phase
Awesome article that includes very timely information as CES is happening this week. There's going to be a number of wacky and different devices revealed this week... and that's the point! Putting technology that allows people that might not have had the ability to connect devices in the past into their hands will lead to unique solutions that will advance the industry.

Tickets for IoT Fuse Conference: 2017 Now Available!
IoT Fuse unites accomplished doers, makers and hackers with the brightest executives, investors, entrepreneurs through a yearly conference, hackathons, meetups and more. Join us for IoT Fuse: Conference 2017

IoT in 2017: Why Usage Is Going to Grow, Despite the Security Risks
This article hits the nail on the head around the need for IoT, regardless of some of the wholes that exist today. I enjoyed this quote from Laura DiDio in the article, which reads, "When it comes to IoT adoption, pragmatism rules". This is so very true. The solution one brings to table must be pragmatic, otherwise is dead on arrival.

Security Experts Warn Congress That the Internet of Things Could Kill People
This article I believe is a little over the top with statements that IoT devices will kill people. However, they make some good points regarding when threats need to be addressed and how a downward spiral regarding a lack of security standards could threaten the growth of the Internet of Things.
Big Data

Big Data 2017: The Future Is Cloudy
This article does a decent job focusing on what Big Data will mean in 2017. Of particular note, it discusses what the difference is between a so-called "Data Scientist" and a "Data Engineer". There's a subtle, but important distinction.
Emerging Technologies Like Advanced Analytics, Machine Learning and IoT Help Revolutionize Public Sector Agencies
While this article separates the Analytics, Machine Learning and IoT into separate buckets, I would argue that they really are all advancing together. The future will prove that you aren't solving the right problem by having a strategy on just one. Instead, the companies that have a strategy and solution using all three of these technologies will advance the most quickly in the market.

Seven Career Paths Opening With the Industrial IoT
Great article on some of the many IIoT openings that are going on the industry from one of the largest employers. Everything from "Maintenance experts" to "Logistics planners" in experience using IoT is shown and covered.

ZigBee's Dotdot Language Is the Latest Bid for IoT Harmony
As CES is just getting going this week, the article states, "The ZigBee Alliance, a group of more than 400 companies that make things with the ZigBee wireless protocol, made a bid to provide that unifying technology right before the annual consumer electronics gathering kicks off."
CES 2017: Arduino Demonstrates IoT Boards, Shields and Partnerships to Enable Connectivity and Transactions
Having worked with and built solutions in Arduino over many years, it's great to see it gaining momentum in all areas, including at CES this year.

Internet Of Things (IoT) Outlook For 2017
With the new year here and just getting going, there's a lot of chatter on what IoT will mean in the coming year. This is a good article on what the Internet of Things is going to look like in 2017.