Justin Grammens
Welcome to the latest edition of IoT Weekly News!
By all accounts, IoT and connected devices was one of the largest talked about technologies at CES this past week. For this issue I covered some of the highlights from the show along with Big Data, a new Industrial offering by Bosch and a survey on 8 prediction for the Internet of Things in 2017. There's also as really good article and video on Limor Fried, founder of AdaFruit.
Finally, if you are in London later this month be sure and checkout what looks to be an amazing IoT show called IoT Tech Expo.
Hope you enjoy this issue and please tweet it to your followers!

CES 2017: Amazon's Alexa Stole the Show in a Bid to Become the IoT Operating System
When I first heard of Alexa, I immediately thought about all of the control and integrations that could happen through voice and from the comfort of your home. Voice control is going to be a large way in which we interact with our "things" in the future and Amazon is leading in brand and awareness today.

Highlights from CES 2017: Driverless Cars, ESports, and IoT Connectivity
More coverage of new technology coming out of CES this year. This article is sponsored by the Motley Fool, so the focus is a little more on technology companies you might consider investing in. There is a good video however included with interviews from the floor of CES.

CES 2017: How the Tiny Intel Compute Card Could Revolutionize IoT Device Management
This looks fascinating. Intel has tried a few different form factors ( Edison, Curie, Compute Stick ) in recent years for their computing modules. Launched at CES this week, the Compute Card looks like an interesting way to carry smart devices in our pockets and will lead to a number of new IoT solutions.

Leading IoT Conference & Exhibition
The leading global IoT event returns to London for its 2nd annual event on the 23-24th January. It’s set to host 2 days of top-level content, discussion, case studies, live demos, workshops and networking. It will introduce and explore the latest IoT and technology innovations, covering manufacturing, transport, logistics, energy, government, automotive, healthcare, insurance and more.
Find out more and register for a free pass here!
Five Avoidable Complications Of Corporate IoT Innovation Programs
Good article by the CTO of Exosite and an early sponsor of IoT Weekly News on some of the things businesses can do to avoid complications when working on corporate IoT Innovation Programs. A major piece of it, as with many of these programs is buy-in from upper management, but also clear expectations and defining what success looks like so all parties are on the same page can go a long way.
Big Data

Why Machine Learning Will Decide Which IoT 'Things' Survive
A lot of the discussion today around the Internet of Things is on the devices themselves. However, it's really the intelligence that will be gleaned from the devices and actionable insights that will be the driver of value. Machine Learning is the key to not only understanding the world of devices faster than any human could, but being able to then take an action on the IoT devices.
Could AWS Be the Right Choice for IoT and Machine Learning?
Our friends over at RTInsights have put together a high level article on some of the reasons as to why you might consider using AWS for IOT and Machine Learning. The article raises some points that you might have not considered.

Bosch Dev Kit to Ease IoT
At CES this past week, Bosch introduced a XDK development kit to IoT OEMs includes a microelectromechanical system (MEMS) accelerometer, magnetometer and gyroscope, coupled with humidity, pressure, temperature, acoustic and digital light sensors — plus Bluetooth and WiFi connectivity. It's a part of their larger solution on how to capture marketshare as the Industrial Internet of Things is shaping what is commonly now called Industry 4.0

Adafruit Founder and Engineer Limor Fried: 'If 'Things' Could Talk, What Would They Say?'
I have a ton of respect for Limor Fried. This is a great article about her latest project, Adafruit IO for users of all skill levels to have a platform to build IoT projects. Bringing technology to people of all ages and experiences will only help the advancement and positive impact in our lives. Be sure to watch the video included in this article as well!

8 of Your Best Predictions for the Future of IoT in 2017
Good article on some of the predictions of the future of IoT in 2017 and beyond! From the article, "Every year IoT brings new things to biotechnology, manufacturing, home living and every aspect of our daily lives. We’ve seen it disrupt traditional industries, transform our cities and contribute to the autonomous transport of the future."