Justin Grammens
Good Wednesday everyone! This week I've focused a number of the articles in the issue on videos I have collected on the Internet of Things. However, if videos aren't your thing there's still plenty of other topics. One article that I would highly recommend is the first one below on the "New Industrial Revolution".
As a reminder for those working in hardware, the Arduino.MN User Group is meeting June 4th at the University of Minnesota. Additionally, if you are a maker or interested in a wide range of technologies, you must attend the Minneapolis and Saint Paul Makers Faire.
Lots of great information and coverage this week. I hope you enjoy this issue and please tweet it to your followers!

A New Industrial Revolution Is Coming
One of the better articles I've read covering the gamut: sensors, big data, transportation, smart cities and manufacturing. It ends off with an interesting take on the industrial internet harming the developing world and how security of the IoT will continue to be a global differentiator.
Source: REUTERS/Rick Wilking

IoT Buzz: Legit Business Or Next Tech Bubble Fail?
The article points out a number of the ridiculous applications some people keep talking about related to the IoT. Article like this continue to remind us all that the IoT is at the peak of the hype cycle.
Google Developing "Brillo" Internet of Things OS Based on Android
Brillo will be aimed at ultra low-power devices with as little as 64 or 32MB of RAM. This has fueled a lot of speculation into a larger IoT focused announcement at Google I/O this year

Apple iOS Leaks Hint At IoT Push
We will know more after the WWC Conference in the coming weeks but Apple is in a position to start connecting its consumer products together with iOS 9.

IoTFuse: "IoT: Technology, Motivators and Markets"
This video is from the recent IoTFuse Conference where Joel Young shared his experiences and insight into where he sees startups and innovators growing and exploring in the area of the IoT.
GoGoNET LIVE! : IoT Needs IP and IPv6 Will Drive IoT
This video makes the argument that for IoT to grow and reach its full potential it has to move away from proprietary technologies and rest on IPv6.
Voices of the IIC: Cameron McNaught
Cameron discusses the role that the Industrial Internet is playing in the way we work as well as the importance of the Industrial Internet Consortium.

Arduino.MN - June 4th
Arduino.MN will be discussing how to get hardware on the cheap. Many fellow IoT members, both on the hardware, but software side as well from the Twin Cities will be the next meetup. Please register via meetup if you are planning to attend.

Minneapolis and St. Paul Maker Faire - May 30th
The Minneapolis and St. Paul Mini Maker Faire will have the Minnesota State Fairgrounds buzzing on Saturday, May 30, 2015