Justin GrammensJustin Grammens

Greetings Artificial Intelligence and IoT Weekly News Readers!

Dropping another round of interesting Artificial Intelligence & Internet of Things articles from the Internet into your INBOX. For reference, you can always visit our website and browse the archives and other useful content. On to the latest news!

The top news is that tickets for the Applied AI 2023 Spring Conference are selling fast. REGISTER TODAY and being a subscriber you can receive a 50% discount! This is an in-person conference to be held in Saint Paul, MN. Use the promo code "iotweeklynews" when checking out or use this link to directly purchase tickets.

Additionally, I'll be speaking at 4 different conferences in the month of May alone! Some are public, and some are private, but here are links to a few of them. Hope you can join me!

Finally, we had our Applied AI Meetup last week. Amazing presentation on how to address the high failure rates of AI projects. Checkout the video on YouTube of the presentation

I hope you enjoy this issue, and please reach out to me anytime to discuss if you would like to present on a topic related to IoT, ML, and AI at a future meetup, conference, or podcast.

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