Justin GrammensJustin Grammens

Welcome, AIoT / IoT Weekly Readers to Issue number 156! Thank you for your interest in Artificial Intelligence, the Internet of Things, and the area in which they overlap called the Artifical Intelligence of Things ( AIoT ). As the world and technology changes, these devices are going to be able to think program, reprogram, and adjust in real-time. I'm very excited to see what's ahead!

Lots of great things have happened this past week:

We had our Applied AI Meetup as we discussed how local startups are applying AI in their business. If you missed it, you can see the video and watch prior videos and podcasts on our YouTube page!

Additionally, we are gearing up the December 2nd Meetup, where we'll be talking about Creating Art with Artificial Intelligence. Register today!

A quick note regarding sponsorship for AI & IoT job postings... getting good talented employees and consultants who know IoT and AI can be hard. Please consider sponsoring an issue of this publication to instantly reach thousands of readers with a hugely diverse background in AI/IoT and AIoT. Contact me or use the form online to receive more information!

Speaking of sponsorship, we are blessed to help promote an awesome organization with a really cool mission called, IoT Social Impact. Please visit their website to learn more and check out the details of them in the sponsor's section below.

I hope you enjoy this issue and continue to join me in this journey of exploring and leveraging the power of the Internet of Things and Machine Learning. Enjoy!

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