Justin Grammens
Welcome, IoT Weekly News Readers!
There's been a lot of activity in the world of the Internet of Things this past week.
- The IoT Fuse Workshop on Using Customer-Driven Innovation to Solve Your Biggest IoT Challenges that myself and Nick Tietz put together went over extremely well! We are pulling together the video from the session and will be sharing it in a future weekly newsletter.
- On Thursday this week, I will be moderating a session of IoT leaders called Enterprise Voice Applications. I hope that you can plan to join us and learn a little more about voice-enabled application and how it's changing the way we interface with the smart products around us.
- I will also be speaking at the University of Minnesota - Masters of Software Engineering IoT Class on security and the Internet of Things. I'll keep you posted on how this week goes and please be sure to connect with me on LinkedIn. I would be more than happy to talk with your team and lead a session on why using Lean Principals will help you think differently about building smart, connected products.
I hope you enjoy this issue and remember to follow IoT Weekly News on LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook
Until next week... Enjoy the connected world that is the future of the Internet of Things!

COVID-19 Crisis Brings New Visibility to IoT and Building Air Quality
One of the responses to the COVID-19 crisis has been an earnest effort at social distancing that has many employees now working from home and staying away from offices. The goal is preventing the spread of the virus, which can be transmitted by air as well as by touch or on surfaces.
Tech Taking Over Our Lives: SmartPhone and the Internet of Things (IoT)
IoT device contains sensors and smaller than expected computer processors that follow up on the information gathered by the sensors using AI. IoT devices are mini PCs, connected with the web, and are powerless against malware and hacking.

IoT Adoption: Before and After COVID-19
New survey data from the Eclipse Foundation on Internet of Things technology adoption provides an interesting pre-pandemic outlook on the digital transformation of industry—an outlook that could change significantly over the next year.

OT/IoT Security Superheroes: Tackling the Remote Employee Challenge
Organizations around the world are coping with a variety of challenges related to the COVID-19 outbreak. Many companies are struggling to convert their processes from ‘in-office’ to ‘remotely accessible’. And, they’re scrambling to find new ways to “remote” tasks – with “remote” now becoming a verb.

NIST Contest Looks for New IoT Tech for First Responders
The COVID-19 crisis has shown that we can't help first responders enough. They struggle with communication, old technology, lack of personal protective gear, and more. Bringing in new technology can help them perform better and faster.

Lab651: 3-2-1 IoT Product Launch Process!
Lab651 takes a scientific and measured approach to building IoT products for our customers. Our industry-proven process is tailored to your key stakeholders and business needs and eliminates uncertainty by using our tools to test your product vision and align it with the current market needs. Best of all, after our 3-day business discovery workshop, you will receive a firm quote to build your minimum viable IoT based solution, with no hidden costs and 100% satisfaction guaranteed.

Six Operational Challenges That Come With IoT
IoT is now widely regarded as a transformative force. According to Juniper Research, by the end of 2020, there will be 38.5 billion devices connected to the internet — a growth rate of 285% since 2015.

Four Ways to Ensure IoT Success
Three out of four IoT projects are considered a failure, according to Cisco. This is troubling but even more so when Cisco also found 61 percent of companies say they believe they’ve barely begun to scratch the surface of IoT can do for their business? Businesses believe in the long-term value offered by integrating IoT into their business plan, however, they lack the knowledge of what is required to ensure the success of such a complex project.

Microsoft Gives $20M to Fight COVID-19 with Artificial Intelligence
The grant will support COVID-19-related research efforts in artificial intelligence, data science, and diagnostics.

Apple And Google Are Building A COVID-19 Tracking System
Tech giants Apple and Google are teaming up to create a system that would let smartphone users know when they've come into contact with someone who has COVID-19.
The technology would rely on the Bluetooth signals that smartphones can both send out and receive. If a person tests positive for COVID-19, they could notify public health authorities through an app. Those public health apps would then alert anyone whose smartphones had come near the infected person's phone in the prior 14 days.

Android Phones Will Get the COVID-19 Tracking Updates
Google has confirmed that it will use the Google Play Services infrastructure to update Android phones with the upcoming COVID-19 contact tracing system it is building in collaboration with Apple. It should ensure that more Android phones will actually get the updates, and also ensure that they become available on phones running Android 6.0 Marshmallow or above.
Big Data

How Artificial Intelligence Is Helping Fight The COVID-19 Pandemic
Spurred by China's gains in this area, other nations can unite to share expertise in order to expand AI's current capability and ensure that AI can replicate its role in helping China deal with the novel coronavirus pandemic.

The Role of WiFi in IoT
The trend to support a diversity of connectivity under a common platform is not confined to wireless broadband. As the Internet of Things (IoT) gathers pace, there will be far greater demand for machine-to-machine (M2M) connections, many of them wireless. These will have even greater varieties of performance requirements, reflecting the vast number of different use cases that may emerge under the umbrella of IoT.