Justin GrammensJustin Grammens

Welcome IoT Weekly News Readers!

Well... where to begin?! First, I want to send out a prayer that you and your loved ones are remaining healthy and safe during this time of global uncertainty around the COVID-19 pandemic. Life continues to throws challenges at us, but we are all in this together and I'm convinced that we'll be stronger when this is all over.

For me personally, over the past week, I've had a number of exciting things happen that I would like to share.

  1. I launched the first episode of the Conversations on Applied AI Podcast! It's been a lot of work, but also a lot of fun, putting all of this together. I'll be posting a new episode each week around the time that I publish IoT Weekly News! Regarding the work to do the podcast, I wrote a fairly extensive blog post on my experience for the Lab651 #30DaysofLearning initiative.
  2. We have launched a new website for the Emerging Technologies North non-profit that I'm the president and co-founder of. I'm super excited to see all the areas in which we explore in the space of Emerging Technology.
  3. As a part of Emerging Technologies North, we have our next AppliedAI meetup event on June 4th. If you haven't registered you can register at AppliedAI.MN! Additionally, if you missed last months meetup on Applied AI in Healthcare, you can watch the video here
  4. The events that I was involved in and spoke at in the last issue went over really well! We have videos that I'll be sharing in coming weeks. I'm super excited to share what was covered!

Finally, I'm opening up office hours for those that would be interested in a free, no-obligation 30-minute consultation to discuss your current and future initiatives around IoT and AI. I'm happy to share and give my knowledge to any individual regardless of where you are in your IoT and AI journey. You can fill out the form to connect with me here.

Whew! That was a lot to cover. I hope you find all of this content and new technology of value and are able to apply to your life. I would love to hear from you, so please don't hesitate to reach out to me!

I hope you enjoy this issue and remember to follow us on LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook

Stay both mentally and physically strong and healthy. I look forward to connecting with you!

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