Justin Grammens
Welcome! I have such a fun time putting together these issues by tracking down the latest information from social media, popular publications and others in my network. Thank you for subscribing and reading what we publish here at IoT Weekly News!
The major topic of stories this week that I curated are coming back into the IoT Security space. There's still lots of fear out in the industry regarding another Mirai outage like we experienced in October. I've also included a few cool lead stories on Smart Roads, Predictions for the IoT in 2017 and a number the Kickstarter projects!
Hope you enjoy this issue and please share it to your followers and share our page on Facebook.

Smart Road Startup Integrated Roadways Launches IoT Lab with MoDOT
Smart roads? Who would have ever thought that we would be talking about this in 2016. I was skeptical as well, however I suggest you watch the video at the end of the article where it talks about some of the values that could be added to our current roadways with a smart road. We are living in an exciting time!

10 Predictions for the Internet of Things and Big Data in 2017
Unfortunately, this article is a bit of a promotional piece for a company who is trying to position themselves as a thought leader in this space. Outside of that annoyance, it does however offer some interesting perspective and frankly, many truths, about what I would agree see happening in 2017 with IoT and Data.

Siemens and General Electric Gear up for the Internet of Things
Good article showing the different approaches two of the largest industrial companies in the world are taking as they transform their business. As stated in the article, "both firms are going through the most profound change in their corporate histories, attempting to switch from being makers of machines into fully digital businesses." I would agree it's important to think of the Internet of Things as a transformational process for a business.

Lab 651
Lab 651 connects the physical world to the digital universe. We have expertise in Software, Embedded and Mechanical Engineering with each founding partner developing connected devices and systems for more than 20 years. Come check us out, take a tour of our lab and learn what we can build for you!

The Internet of Things Is Making Hospitals More Vulnerable to Hackers
Having connected devices in a hospitals and the safety of health care data in general is a hot topic these days. From the article, "Adding Internet of Things technologies can increase risks so needs to be managed, warns security agency."

Researchers Find Fresh Fodder for IoT Attack Cannons
This article calls out more than half a million cameras with an exploitable weaknesses that are not currently sought out by Mirai, the virus that infected and caused a DDOS attack around a month ago. May of the cameras are many years old, but it still goes to show to companies that once you release a product it will be in wild and must be maintain for many, many years.
Five Easy Ways To Build Security Into The Internet Of Things
This article is another gentle reminder on how consumers should be helped by the companies manufacturing these products to keep them secure. Much of it is common sense to those of us that live and breathe in this space, but we should strive to make security automatic for everyone.

Google, Tech Giants Announce Plan to Fix 'Internet of Things' Security
Interesting article on a group formed back in 2010 called the Broadband Technical Advisory Group (BITAG). It discusses how a report that BITAG published in the past should require the same level of safety in the software and security layer that is does in the electrical and mechanical.

Predictive Maintenance And The Industrial Internet Of Things
Fascinating article on how a number of companies are putting together some very interesting solutions as the Industrial IoT really begins to flourish. It's been reported that by 2020, investments in the Industrial IoT is set to be more than $500 Billion.
Industrial Analytics Based On Internet Of Things Will Revolutionize Manufacturing
I enjoyed read this article as it's right up my alley, with the work I do at my company concerning all of the exciting analytics we will be able to do once we start getting data from all these physical devices. The possibilities will be endless!
Crowd Funding

PocketLab Voyager | Explore Science in Your World
PocketLab Voyager and PocketLab Weather are rugged science labs that you can take anywhere to explore the world around you.

Fotric 123: Cloud-Based Thermal Camera for Early Fire Alerts
First cloud-based infrared thermal camera for visual early fire detection. Detects hot spots and sends visual early fire alert to phone

PUREmodules… for Dreamers, Tinkerers, Hackers and Designers
Simplifying development of low power wireless IoT hardware and software sensor prototypes with a modular sensor architecture.