Justin Grammens
Welcome to Issue 81 of IoT Weekly News! This week I cover some interesting stories on Black & Decker and Cisco, 3 stocks to invest in around the IoT and articles on how IoT and Big Data are set to change the world. I also have coverage on Softbank buying ARM, a FREE IoT Workshop in Minneapolis by Ayla Networks and an interview on the Internet of Things by myself with Social Media Boombox. Lots of fun!
Enjoy this issue and please be sure to tweet it to your followers!

Black & Decker Teams with Cisco for IoT Manufacturing
This looks like a really cool partnership between a hardware and software company to build some unique connected devices.

Lost Underground? IoT Beacons Help Subway Riders Find Their Way
Cool use of Beacons for riders in the subway. I continue to believe that we haven't found the correct application of the Beacon technology. There's so much more that can be done with it than push coupons to customers with-in a retail store.

ARM Holdings Confirms Softbank Is Buying the Chip Designer for £24.3B in Cash in Big IoT Move
This was the big news this week. Lots of people are speculating how this will impact the development of IoT devices on ARM in the future.

Lab 651
Lab 651 connects the physical world to the digital universe. We have expertise in Software, Embedded and Mechanical Engineering with each founding partner developing connected devices and systems for more than 20 years. Come check us out, take a tour of our lab and learn what we can build for you!

Warning Issued over Baby Monitor, Webcam, IoT Security… Again!
Sad to see these security issues continuing to surface every few months. It's not going to be until users of connected devices feel that they are secure that we'll actually see the adoption rate move forward.

3 Stocks to Invest in the Internet of Things
This is a fun article by our friends over at the Motley Fool on what 3 companies you might want look at investing in if you think the IoT is going to explode and are able to participate in that ride.
Big Data
A Big Data, IoT Project Brings Unique Storage Demands
This is an interesting article and one that hits close to home as I've been working with a number companies to develop solutions that capture IoT data and provide insights into what is going on the physical world. What is fascinating is that all of this data collection is based on the growing need for data storage systems that are performant and real-time.

How IoT and Machine Learning Can Make Our Roads Safer
Interesting article all about how building in smart systems and the Internet of Things can help improve driver behavior and reduce accidents. They have real data to show it!

Register for a FREE Ayla Hands On Learning Event on August 18th, 2016
The lab is designed for product management and product marketing professionals, and will help you acquire a more in-depth understanding of how to create a connected device.

Episode 19 - Justin Grammens by Social Media Boombox
In this episode I interview Justin Grammens about the Internet of Things. Justin lives at the intersection of startups, education and leading communities on the Internet of Things.