Justin Grammens
Welcome IoT Weekly readers! This week I cover a wide range of topics on the Internet of Things: Security, Consumer, Wearables and Development are all covered. You'll for sure want to check out the first article below on "The Shape of Things". It's a great birds eye view of everything that has lead up to where we are today and where things are going in the future with connected devices. This will be required reading for the graduate level Internet of Things class that I'll be teaching again this fall.
I hope you enjoy this issue and please be sure to follow us and tweet it to your followers!

The Shape of Things
A great long form post by one of the co-founders of Thington, Tom Coates. He hits the nail on the head in so many different ways. If there's only one article you are going to read in this issue of IoT Weekly News, this is the one you should read. Enjoy!

IoT Technology Is Helping An Agrarian Community In Crisis
This article is a good Q/A session with Pooja Baraskar, an innovator who is making a big impact in the small town in central India where she hails from.

Waterloo Gets Canada's First LPWAN Network for IoT
The birthplace of the Blackberry phone is now home to Canada’s first low-power wide area network (LPWAN).

Insights and Analytics Through Connected Products
Using real-time data from the field, Recursive Awesome provides insights and analytics into how your products are being used by your customers. Let us help you build smarter products and mobile applications.

IoT Security: A Government Perspective
As the article states, "Security must be designed from the start — before driverless vehicles are on the road, before smart meters are installed in buildings and before a patient is given a wearable device for health monitoring purposes."

Why Do We Need to Take IoT Security More Seriously?
Another article on the security aspects, but this one is focused on the effects of what bad security practices mean in the grand scheme and references "The Singularity".

How Augmented Reality And IoT Will Recreate Business Environments
The world of AR and gesture and voice based recognition is set to be a game charger in the coming years as this new technology will allow consumer to interact with companies and their products like never before.

Your Smarthome Is Dumber Than You Think
A fun, tongue-in-cheek article which points out some of the useless things in our home that are made smart. At its heart, the article is one of security and how companies need to have better security practices going forward if they are to really have your smart home be "smart".

New Smart Glove Turns Sign Language Into Text and Speech
This is pretty sweet. As the title suggests, a new smart glove that can sense motion and movement to recognize sign language. Sensing physical movements and providing digital responses is a whole new area where we will be seeing innovation in the coming years.

Coldplay's LED Wristbands: A Slush-Ballad Lighter Experience for the E-Cig Generation
A fun read on a new spin of wearables bands are doing at concerts. It's not so much the technology that is interesting to me, but that the price point has fallen to such a low amount that they can do this at scale.
Red Hat, Eurotech Team Up On IoT Platform
I thought this was cool as what they are forming will be Open Source. The platform will become called the Kapua Project inside the Eclipse Foundation.