Justin Grammens
Greetings IoT Weekly News Readers!
Thank you for taking time to read the latest trends and topics on the Internet of Things. I've found another collection of interesting stories this week ranging from IBM talking about Artificial Intelligence as a service to Forrest putting out a report on IoT security being years away from being fully baked. Also, be sure and checkout the article on how Blockchain will impact the Industrial IoT!
I hope you enjoy this issue and please be sure to follow us on Twitter and Facebook!

New IBM Watson Chief David Kenny Talks His Plans for 'AI as a Service'
I see these types of services bringing the real value to the Internet of Things. From the article, “The Watson brand is attracting some extraordinary minds from other companies, and the top thinkers in IBM are working on this project,” Kenny says.

Energy-Saving Minicomputers for the Internet of Things
Keeping the billions of devices expected to come online in the next 5 years powered up is going to be an issue companies are going to need to solve. This article discusses how researchers are looking at the problem.
One in Four Executives Say Internet of Things Is Already Delivering, Survey Finds
Good article showing that based on some perceptions that the Internet of Things still has a way to go, based on a new report out, one in four companies are showing value today.

Sony Corp (ADR) Spends Over $200 Million on the Internet of Things
Article on what Sony's purchase of Altair Semiconductor will mean for their position in the wireless market of the Internet of Things.
The NSA's Chief Hacker Says Connecting Heating Systems to the Internet is a Risk to National Security
The security aspects of the Internet of Things has been covered in in a number of articles in the past. However, when the head of the NSA says that it keeps him up at night it starts making waves in the news.

Adafruit Industries
Adafruit designs and manufactures electronics products, components, tools, and accessories and produces a number of learning resources, including written tutorials, introductory videos for children.

Samsung Earnings Continue to Fall, Looks to IoT for Help
It's not just Apple who is seeming slower growth in their traditional consumer devices. Samsung is looking to the services that the Internet of Things brings to drive the need for the next wave of their products and solutions.

The Unsexy Merger That Could Pave the Wave for IoT
This article discusses the work Tyco and Johnson Controls are doing as they look to creating smart buildings in this new wave of connected devices and IoT.

Beyond Bitcoin: Can the Blockchain Power Industrial IoT?
The decentralized, time stamped and ordered record of all transactions in a Bitcoin network has great potential for industrial applications in the future. Like the IoT the power of the Blockchain hasn't been fully realized today.

Internet of Things Security Years Away from Being Fully Baked, Says Forrester
Whenever Forrester comes out with findings it'd expected to makes waves. No surprisingly, this was one of the most popular articles on the IoT this week. I for one don't see their findings as anything earth shattering, but I did find value in the chart they created in the article.