Justin Grammens
Greetings and welcome to the latest issue of IoT Weekly News!
I've got another fabulous array of articles in technology on the Internet of Things this week. I suggest the article on self-driving cars ( 2nd article in the News section below ) as a great jumping off point to learn all about the buzz that happened this week in the IoT.
There's additionally a number of fun articles on "dealing" with the IoT, how the IoT will transform business, development on BLE and IoT Protocols, another cool Kickstarter and finally, a study on how a number of enterprises are gearing up to deploy IoT solutions in 2016.
I hope you enjoy this issue and please tweet it to your followers!

Local Governments Learning to Put IoT Solutions into Action
Smart cities are a huge growth opportunity I see for the Internet of Things. This article talks about some neat applications of where it makes sense and some cities that are already embracing the idea.
Self-Driving Cars Will Rule the Roads in 2030, Says Internet of Things Visionary
You'll own a self-driving car by 2030, according to the man who coined the term "Internet of Things." Read on...

Applying Tech to Agriculture: IoT for the Earth
Very cool story on using an intelligent API that gives the users the power to deliver visibility and analytics to help change optimize crop yields and how farmers can help feed the world.
Govt Plans 5 IoT Start-Up Incubation Centres
I first thought this was an article about the united States, but after read it further it turns out these incubation centers are being setup in rural areas of India.

The Future Is the Internet of Things - Deal with It
This article covers a number of topics around the IoT, from security, privacy and reliability concerns to some cool pictures of industrial "smart" factories that are in place today.

Why The Internet Of Things Is A Game-Changer For Manufacturers
This is a huge! Imagine if that faulty part in your car, washing machine or dishwasher could not only realize that it was going to fail, but then go ahead and order itself a new one? We will see this in the future.
Big Data
6 Ways Analytics And The Internet Of Things Will Transform Business
Great article by Scott Amyx, on how analytics and the IoT will change the way both engineers and investors will approach the IoT in the future due to the sheer amounts of data that will need to be processed.

Bluetooth Internet of Things Functionality is Coming in 2016
One of the areas where connecting devices to one another has been hampered in the past is limitations of Bluetooth technology. The article states some cool recent developments from the Bluetooth Special Interest Group (SIG).
IIoT Protocols to Watch
IoT is alphabet soup. IIoT, IoE, HTTP, REST, JSON, MQTT, OPC UA, DDS. This article shines some light on mystery of all the acronyms.
Crowd Funding

Ario: Smart Lighting. Better Health
Ario learns about you, syncs your body clock, and keeps you healthy through natural lighting patterns.
A Majority of Enterprises Are Mulling IoT Tech
A new study by IDC reveals that most large businesses are gearing up to deploy Internet of Things solutions at their organizations. Read on!