Justin Grammens
In the IoT arena, wearables seemed to be all the range this past week. That is largely I'm guessing due to the recent Google's I/O conference and Apple's WWDC this week. The industry is closely watching the moves by these companies, along with Microsoft and Samsung as leaders in the space of consumer electronics. I personally however feel that the consumer won't be contributing much to IoT for a number of years. Why? Because IoT is a nice to havein the consumer market, not a must have as it is with a business. Sure, there will be some moderate improvements in Smart Home technology and controlling of certain devices with siloed solutions, but we are still very early and in a phase of technology growth that is being pushed by needing real business needs to keep it relevant. The old story of my toaster talking to my refrigerator is wearing extremely thin.
All of that aside, we have a few great DIY projects and the IoT Evolution event going on in Las Vegas in August you might want to consider checking out.
I hope you enjoy this issue and please tweet it to your followers!

Why the Internet of Things Isn't the Same as the New Hardware Movement
Excellent article from O'Reilly Media on why The Internet of Things and the new hardware movement are not the same thing.
U.S. Army Is Testing Pocket-Sized Reconnaissance Drones
Wow. Pockets sized drones? What will the military think of next!

The Inception Of Wearables In The Workforce
Interesting article on all of the wearables we are going to see enter the workplace and how that is beginning to play out around healthcare data and what effect that has on BYOD.
Google Is Partnering with Levi's for Its Project Jacquard Smart Fabric
Google has started a partnership with the Levi’s which allows them to create smart clothing using Project Jacquard, a conductive textile material that can be woven into any fabric.
Wearables device market grew 200 percent in first quarter, led by Fitbit
In the three months leading up to the April release of the Apple Watch, the wearables market continued to show strong growth.

Here's What We Know About Apple's Plans for Smart Homes
A brief article on what is known about the plans for Apple to change the landscape during this week at its annual WWDC conference.

Smart AC Unit
A fun little project showing you how to retrofit your existing window unit with littleBits and turn it into an internet-connected device.
A Story of Home Automation with OpenHAB, Z-Wave, and MQTT
I found this article more than a year ago when it was first published and looking at MQTT to solve home automation challenges. Still a great and relevant DIY article on home automation using Open Source.

IoT Evolution Expo - The Ultimate IoT Evolution Experience
The IoT is driving productivity, asset optimization, cost savings and new revenue opportunities for companies of all kinds. Join a worldwide community of IoT technologists, business leaders and strategists and learn how to leverage the power of the IoT to move your business forward.