Justin Grammens
The big news in wearables this week was the release of the Apple Watch. After months of promises and hype you can finally order yours! I expect there to be many complaints and frustrated users with deflated hopes after using the watch for the first time. As I've written about in past issues, the Wearables User Interface right up there with IoT in the Gartner Hype Cycle
This issue we'll focus most of the stories around consumer, wearables, a Kickstarter to help you build WiFi enabled stuff and videos on how to easily use Temboo to get data from the physical world to the cloud.
Finally, don't forget that the Arduino.MN Meetup and the MHTA Spring Conference are both coming up on May 7th. Checkout the events section of this issue below for 2 MakerFaires coming to the Twin Cities at the end of May as well!
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The Top 15 Internet of Things Cities in the World
Heat map showing where IoT companies are congregating around the world. These might show the big players, but I firmly believe as was published in an article last issue, the Twin Cities is an alley for IoT innovation.

New Furniture Tracks Your Health, from Weight to Blood Pressure
This new furniture line has the ability to monitor, record and deliver user data to key medical care providers. We will see these become more common as the baby boomer generation ages and the cost come down.
BMW I3 Can Drive And Park Itself Without Human Intervention
Another step on the long road to driverless cars. This car can take control under certain situations and park itself.
Healthcare Internet of Things to Reach $117 Billion by 2020
Another report on how Healthcare IoT is going to be big business. The timing of the aging baby boomer generation and the cost of these solutions coming down to a point where its makes sense will be a huge driving factor in adoption.

Discover The Tech Behind The Apple Watch's Digital Crown
Interesting article on the patents behind Apple Watch's Digital Crown and some of the unique ways in which they are innovating around a component that has been on a watch since the beginning.
Apple Watch Gaming: Devs Talk Early Titles and the Challenges of Wearable Fun
IoT is not all about data, sometimes it can be about fun and games too! This article discusses some of the titles that developers are brining to the Apple Watch Platform for the release last week.
Tag Heuer Allies With Google And Intel For Android Watch
Even with smart watches now becoming all the rage, consumers are still interested in design and comfort. I think you'll see a number of traditional watch manufactures setup partnerships with technology companies to bring their expertise on how to create a stylish watch containing the applications developers will be building into the smart watches of the future.
Deconstructing IoT :: Temboo
The population of people over 65 is growing at a faster rate than the rest of the population. Unlike previous generations, more seniors will stay at home. These videos explore how IoT might allow older people to retain independence with a choice to keep family informed when help is needed.
Crowd Funding

Oak by Digistump: Wi-Fi for All Things!
The cheap, tiny, cloud enabled Wi-Fi dev board. Arduino compatible, 32-bit, wireless programming, and a REST API data cloud!
Arduino.MN – Arduino, Open Hardware and IoT in Minnesota
Next meeting is May 7th. We are group of hardware and maker enthusiasts based in the Minneapolis / St. Paul, Minnesota area. Our monthly meetings involve networking, tutorials and learning everything we can about Open Hardware, Makers and Connected Devices (IoT) .
MHTA Spring Conference
Join us at the Guthrie Theater May 7th for a full-day, inspiring agenda featuring industry thought leaders and sessions focused on today’s top technology trends.
Twin Cities Maker » Minne-Faire 2015
Come join other makers with a wide variety of interests at the 2015 Minne-Fair on May 23rd and 24th.
Minneapolis and St. Paul Maker Faire
More than 200 local and regional makers will showcase, demonstrate and share interactive creations with the public during this family-friendly event on Saturday, May 30, 2015