Justin Grammens
Whew! Lots to cover this week. Articles in this issue are focused around the categories of education, business, consumer and wearables. I've also got an interesting video on the IoT from a TEDx talk.
In case you missed it, the IoTFuse Conference was a huge success! There were live tweets from our friends at the Saint Cloud Times. If you have coverage of the event that I might have missed, drop me an email
The other event that happened this past week was SXSW. I found a number of the interactive sessions to be applicable to the Internet of Things.

With IoT Fuse, Minnesota Supports Internet of Things
Great article covering some of the key takeaway of the first IoTFuse Conference that was held this past at Keller Hall on the University of Minnesota campus.
Photo: Mitch LeClair

BBC - The Micro Bit
If people don't know me, I'm a huge proponent of education for people of all ages. This project will give a personal coding device free to every child who are age 11 across the UK. Tis will result in 1 million devices in total going in the hands.
Microsoft Hints at Windows 10 IoT SKUs
Microsoft is really making a play in this space, not only with some of their early venture programs, but also now with software to help those get into this space of developing solutions for the Internet of Things. with "Windows 10 IoT"

Internet of Things Component Market Set for Rapid Growth
While there's great opportunity for growth in hardware market, I believe the software and services continue to be where the business opportunity is. Hardware is too easily commoditized.
It's the Internet of Things, Not Things on the Internet
Insightful post on Eric Schmidt's comments on "IoT Disappearing" and the true meaning of what he was getting at. Many visionaries today are helping move the world to the Internet of Things and away from just more Things on the Internet.
How the Internet of Things Could Power Preventive Treatment of Chronic Diseases.
The health care system of today is not handling detection of disease effectively. We need to look for new advances that can help treat these illnesses today and in the future.

Internet of Things Means Never Having to Search Again
Once the system is able to capture data, the promise is that over time it will be more predictive on what it should or shouldn't do and more importantly on what you do or don't like.
Photograph by Tobias Schwarz — AFP/Getty Images
No, Tesla Is Not Releasing a 'Self-Driving' Car This Summer
Clarification on exactly what Elon Musk said regarding what Telsa has planned for this summer.

Pebble Offers $1M to Develop Smart Strap
Pebble needs to step up and leapfrog with other smartwatch makers and is looking to people outside their company to help.
Intel And Google Team Up With TAG Heuer To Bring Android Wear Uptown
With the Apple Watch set to launch on April 24th, other manufacturers are going to need to step up their game in the design department to compete. Consumers want not only something that is functional, but looks good as well.

Designing for the internet of things | Rodolphe el-Khoury
The fifth annual TEDxToronto conference took place on September 26, 2013 at The Royal Conservatory of Music.