Justin Grammens
Hello IoT & AIoT Weekly News Readers!
Another exciting week in the areas of the Internet of Things and the Artificial Intelligence of Things. If you hadn't seen, Lab651 is putting on a free interactive webinar on How To Get Started With IoT that I suggest you attend if you are interested in how to get started with building connected products within your organization. Next, you'll notice the top story here is an article from wired.co.uk. Fascinating data on how data and AI is making an impact on many businesses across a variety of sectors. In fact, the article states, "This shift to data-led, AI-based decision-making could further accelerate another trend: equipment as a service."
Speaking of data and AI. Please be sure to attend our next Applied AI Meetup! It is on March 4th, 2021, and will be on Considerations for Machine Learning in the Wild. It will touch on a number of topics related to the intersection of AI and IoT / AIoT. I hope you can join me!
Finally, I have a new podcast out as well with Fatma Kocer on my Conversations on Applied AI Podcast! We talk all about how AI is used in designing physical products, design, and simulation. Amazing stuff that Fatma and the team is doing at Altair.
I hope you enjoy this issue and please connect if you would like to talk further about how AI and IoT will be impacting your business. I'm more than happy to share my knowledge and experience in the industry. You can easily book 30 minutes with me today. Until next week!

How Insurance Can Help Build Trust in Artificial Intelligence
On the factory floor, machine downtime is a disaster – production can slow to a crawl or a complete stop, wasting precious time and money. To dodge downtime, manufacturers typically plan rigorous maintenance regimes – fixing problems before they even occur. That’s great for keeping production running at full pace, but costly in terms of having the right experts and spare parts to hand at all times. Preventative maintenance is labour intensive and expensive. The alternative? Have faith in data – and artificial intelligence.

Artificial Intelligence And The End Of Work
An important dimension of AI-driven job loss is that some roles will resist automation for far longer than others. The jobs in which humans will continue to outperform machines for the foreseeable future will not necessarily be those that are the most cognitively complex. Rather, they will be those in which our humanity itself plays an essential part.

How IoT Helps Maintain Social Distancing
Social distancing is a term we have become all too familiar with. Yet before March 2020, it was something that people rarely practiced, let alone searched for. As COVID-19 swept the world, so too did social distancing. Read on to examine how the Internet of Things is helping us maintain social distancing, whether we’re working, playing, or traveling.
Remote Work Raises Threats From Consumer IoT Devices
Security researcher Andrei Costin started to work from home many years ago, and when it comes to security internet of things (IoT) devices, he had his fair share of eyebrow-raising moments. “There were several instances where I had replaced my home routers because the vendor did not provide security fixes nor firmware updates,” Costin says, adding that current security practices are not keeping up with the changing landscape of working from home.

Amazon Launches Three Smart Products For The Home, But There’s A Catch
Amazon has recently made a surprise announcement for a trio of smart home products that you could be interested in. This includes a smart cuckoo clock, a smart nutrition scale, and also a smart sticky note printer. All of these are, of course, integrated with Alexa which will allow you to use your voice to control them.

The Next Web: This AI-Powered Gadget Could Completely Disrupt the Ridiculous Hearing Aid Market
Whisper’s an interesting company. It builds niche hardware as a means to onboard potential customers to its subscription-based update service. That’s probably not how the company’s marketing team would like its work described, but it’s challenging to reconcile the startup’s ambition with its simplicity.

How To Get Started With IoT
Is your leadership team beginning to explore connecting your products/devices to the internet (IoT)? Are you starting to ask questions like, what if you could... * Monitor your products in the field? * Predict when your machines need maintenance before they go down? * Turn your product into a service? * Update products remotely?
If you're beginning to explore solutions to questions like these, we are hosting a webinar for you. During "How To Get Started with IoT", Nick Ashworth of Lab651 will guide you through the endless possibilities of connecting your devices/products to the internet, and how to understand/manage the data collected.
Join us, it's free! All you have to do is register.
Registration and more information is here!

Up, Up, and Away - With Your IoT Data?
Times have changed in the amazing world of the Internet of things (IoT). What once was a new and compelling idea has quickly worked its way into the hearts and minds of consumers everywhere. From wearable devices like the Fitbit and pet trackers, to smart cows and smart farming, the IoT is now taking to the sky.
Big Data

How to Build a Modern Workplace with Artificial Intelligence and Internet of Things
Modern technologies such as artificial intelligence, big data, blockchain, and IoT have displayed untold potential in multiple industry sectors such as retail, manufacturing, healthcare, telecommunications, and many more. Businesses in these industry sectors are following the trend of digital transformation in the workplace.

Explainable Artificial Intelligence for Decoding Regulatory Instructions in DNA
Researchers used DNA sequences from high-resolution experiments to train a neural network called BPNet, whose “black box” inner workings were then uncovered to reveal sequence patterns and organizing principles of the genome’s regulatory code. Credit: Illustration courtesy of Mark Miller, Stowers Institute for Medical Research

How to Choose an IoT Platform When There Are so Many Options
Worldwide, there are more than 600 different Internet of Things (IoT) platforms, with no guarantee they will interoperate, or even be around for the next three to five years. It's a difficult challenge for IT managers who want to employ IoT devices in their enterprises, but who also know that they will be held accountable if a vendor or a solution doesn't work as advertised or disappears altogether.
Data Analytics and Artificial Intelligence to Propel Smart Water and Wastewater Leak Detection Solutions Market
The wastewater leak detection market has witnessed a significant rate of innovation and digital transformation. Internet of Things (IoT) sensors, machine learning (ML), artificial intelligence (AI), and cloud- or edge-based data analytics platforms are boosting the market. By 2026, the market is estimated to garner a revenue of $1.99 billion from $1.23 billion in 2020, up at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 8.4%.

Microsoft Announces Azure IoT Edge Modules for Linux on Windows in Public Preview
With IoT Edge, compute and storage are closer to IoT devices out in the field. The Azure IoT Edge open-source solution, offered as part of the Azure IoT Hub service, is Microsoft's offering to deploy Docker containers - also labeled as "modules" running Azure services or third-party services.
How a Small Charity is Upsetting the Trillion-Dollar Silicon Chip Industry
On January 21st, the Raspberry Pi Foundation (a UK-based Charity) announced a new silicon chip that it designed. This chip, called the RP2040, has become the hottest development in the Maker Movement in the last five years. The RP2040 is at the heart of the $4 Raspberry Pi Pico development board.

Arduino Announces Board Based On Raspberry Silicon
The Raspberry Pi Pico burst onto the microcontroller scene last month with much fanfare and is already popping up in projects left, right, and center. Notable for its high clock speed and exciting IO features, it’s a breath of fresh air in a market slowly weaning itself onto ARM architectures and away from 8-bit staples. Not one to miss out on a slice of the action, Arduino has announced their own upcoming board based on the Pico’s RP2040 chip.