Justin Grammens
Welcome to Issue 134 of IoT Weekly News!
This week I'm bringing to you 15 awesome articles that cover a wide range of IoT solutions in a number of different verticals. I've included everything from Smart Homes to new features from Tesla to a local event that everyone in the Twin Cities area should attend on Sept 21st at the Works.
Finally, be sure to check out our sponsor this week for all the details on Connected Insurance USA set for November 20th-21st in Chicago!
I hope you enjoy this issue and remember to follow us on LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook
Until next week!

IKEA Smart Home Investment Could Be Boost The Internet Of Things Needs
The Bluetooth 5 standard was designed primarily to share information between devices within the confines of the home or a car and in a workplace. That said, the new version of Bluetooth has properties that should make it attractive for some Internet of things applications. Atmosic Technologies is focusing on low-power Bluetooth 5 wireless platforms to enable networks of IoT devices that are, as the company says, "Forever Connected, Anywhere."

The Next Wave of IoT Bluetooth Devices Might Not Have Batteries
The Bluetooth 5 standard was designed primarily to share information between devices within the confines of the home or a car and in a workplace. That said, the new version of Bluetooth has properties that should make it attractive for some Internet of things applications. Atmosic Technologies is focusing on low-power Bluetooth 5 wireless platforms to enable networks of IoT devices that are, as the company says, "Forever Connected, Anywhere."

The 'Internet of Things' Is Sending Us Back to the Middle Ages
Internet-enabled devices are so common, and so vulnerable, that hackers recently broke into a casino through its fish tank. The tank had internet-connected sensors measuring its temperature and cleanliness. The hackers got into the fish tank’s sensors and then to the computer used to control them, and from there to other parts of the casino’s network. The intruders were able to copy 10 gigabytes of data to somewhere in Finland.

Tesla Introduces 'Dog Mode' to Keep Pets Cool Inside the Car
With the latest over-the-air update, Tesla has rolled out a couple of very useful features, some we're surprised took automakers until 2019 to develop. These features use the various existing sensors and cameras in Tesla cars to offer new safety and convenience options that owners should find pretty useful.

24 Internet of Things Examples & Applications To Know
Connected devices. Sprawling networks. Massive amounts of data. In a nutshell, that’s the Internet of Things. And there’ve never been more things in the ever-expanding IoT ecosystem. From smart cities and cars to smart stethoscopes and dog collars, the world is becoming more interconnected every day.

IoT and It’s Evolving Role in Insurance’s Next Great Leap
Since the year 2000, 50 percent of the Fortune 500 companies have disappeared as they failed to stay relevant and competitive in the digital economy. Survival and future success rely on embedding speed to address customer challenges faster than the competition, merging innovative technology with real-time data to transform product, underwriting, customer experience and claims.
Connected Insurance USA (November 20th-21st, Chicago) is bringing together 700+ COOs, SVPs and VPs from Strategy, Innovation, Product, Marketing and Distribution to explore how innovative tech such as IoT helping carriers to meet customer demands and boost performance. Join the USA’s premier gathering defining the future of insurance.

Rating IoT Devices to Gauge Their Impact on Your Network
One difficulty designing IoT implementations is the large number of moving parts. Most IoT setups are built out of components from many different manufacturers – one company’s sensors here, another’s there, someone else handling the networking and someone else again making the backend.

How to Make Your Smart Home More Secure
Home is where the network is. Nowadays, modernizing a house means plugging in sensors, cameras, voice-activated hubs, smart lights and connected power sockets, and if your local network isn't secure, each new gadget represents a potential access point for hackers. With the incorrect implementation, those shiny new tools you bought to protect your home can actually make it more vulnerable.
Big Data

The Amazing Ways Hitachi Uses Artificial Intelligence And Machine Learning
Since its founding in 1910, Japanese company Hitachi has been at the forefront of innovation with a philosophy to contribute to society through "the development of superior, original technology and products." Today, Hitachi is a multinational conglomerate that offers operational products and services as well as IT-related digital technologies such as artificial intelligence and big data analysis.
Why Enterprises Need to Clear the Hurdles and Invest in IoT
There is no getting away from the Internet of Things (IoT), in fact, businesses that are looking for a competitive edge are rushing to invest. However, not everyone is convinced, ongoing discussions about IoT security and data management have some enterprises dragging their heels.

Enterprise IoT Use Set to Explode This Year
By the end of this year though, 4.8bn endpoints are expected to be in use and this represents a 21.5 percent increase from 2018. Utilities will be the highest user of IoT endpoints with a total of 1.17bn endpoints in 2019 but this is expected to grow by 17 percent in 2020 to reach 1.37bn endpoints.

When It Comes to Industrial IoT, the Incumbents Are Winning
Monetization strategies are still evolving for companies building IoT businesses, according to BCG. Industrial IoT is killing the traditional narrative of startups disrupting older players out of the market. Instead, leaders in industrial equipment are parlaying both their expertise and their customers’ hesitation over new products into new business models — and in the process, facilitating a gradual transformation of their business and their customers’ operations.
Provision a simulated TPM device to Azure IoT Hub using C
In this quickstart, you will learn how to create and run a Trusted Platform Module (TPM) device simulator on a Windows development machine. You will connect this simulated device to an IoT hub using a Device Provisioning Service instance. Sample code from the Azure IoT C SDK will be used to help enroll the device with a Device Provisioning Service instance and simulate a boot sequence for the device.
Crowd Funding

iKuddle Auto-Pack Litter Box: Clump Disposal Made Easy by iKuddle
The most-convenient cat litter box that cleans itself, packs the waste for you, and reduces odors.

Supporting Women and Girls in Engineering and Technology
Girl Time – Discover Today, Design Your Tomorrow.
Join in the fun at Girl Time, a special STEM day designed for girls and their families! Saturday, September 21 | 10 a.m. – 4 p.m.
Learn about STEM from women engineers and scientists
- Have fun exploring with hands-on activities and demos
- Meet girls involved in STEM activities and young women studying STEM fields
- Get inspired and start changing the world!