Justin GrammensJustin Grammens

Welcome IoT Leaders!

This week I've decided to try and focus more articles around IoT and Design than the underlying technology itself. I've been seeing a lot of value in our team at Lab651 engaging with companies to leverage user experience and user design when it comes to building connected products. The user is often a misunderstood aspect when embracing new technology and I would love to learn more about what YOU, our readers are doing in this space as as well.

Please drop me a line if you have articles that you have either written or find interesting and unique when it comes to everything from the user experience of Data Visualization, Story Telling, Industrial Design and Mobile Applications. We should all be working to drive value to the consumers of the connected products that they buy and improve their experience.

On other news, I'm super excited to be presenting this week at NDC. A massive, software development conference in Saint Paul, MN where I'll be sharing my expertise using the Azure IoT MXChip Kit to both rapidly prototype solutions and bring them to market using trusted partners. Hope you can join us!

Also, I was recently on the Schmidt List Podcast where I discussed the future of connected products and what the lies ahead with the nexus of Consumer, Business, Innovation and Data Analytics. I think you'll find value in the conversation and hope you have some time to listen today!

I hope you enjoy this issue and remember to checkout our sponsor, Connections and follow IoT Weekly on LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook

Until next week... Enjoy!

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