Justin Grammens
Welcome IoT Weekly News readers to Issue 103!
This is a big week for myself and the IoT Community here in the Twin Cities. It is the week where IoT Fuse has our 3rd annual Internet of Things Conference. We will have more than 50 speaker, 35+ sponsors and 900+ attendees at the Minneapolis Convention center. Needless to say, the Internet of Things is alive and well here in the Twin Cities.
In the issue this week we talk about automobiles, telecom and whole range of IoT security items. The issue rounds off with some cool business cases and a smart bra launched on Kickstarter.
Enjoy this issue and be sure to follow IoT Weekly News on Facebook and LinkedIn!

Cars and the IoT: The Lane Lines Are Blurring
The organizational structures of most large firms are still divided along legacy lines. This is understandable, since those lines have been in place for a very long time. But something happens when you mesh the old guard (automotive) and the upstart (the IoT).

The Expanding Internet Of Things Creates Significant Challenges For Telecom Companies
Regarding the Internet of Things' impact on the telecommunications industry, you have to understand what we can do today to understand what we would like to do tomorrow.
Move Over Wearables. Make Way for Implantables
Wearable monitors for health and fitness seemed to be everywhere in the exhibit halls and on the conference stages at CES 2016. But while this generation of biometric monitoring devices goes mainstream, a little Silicon Valley company is working on what could be the next generation of body sensing technology: the injectable.

IoT Device Sales Set to Surge in Next Decade
Shipments of devices like sensors and nodes that detect pedestrians and traffic and measure water and air pollution are expected to hit 202 million devices globally this year, then grow to 1.4 billion by 2026.

IoT Fuse: Conference 2017 Is This Friday!
IoT Fuse unites accomplished doers, makers and hackers with the brightest executives, investors, entrepreneurs through a yearly conference, hackathons, meetups and more. Join us for IoT Fuse: Conference 2017

Stories From Two Years in an IoT Honeypot
“As more and more devices are added to the network the vulnerability, the web space for attacks gets larger and larger,” Demeter said, “I think new devices that are being developed should have a thorough code review.”

IoT Security Sucks, Here's How to Fix It
When most people think about the IoT, they think about their smart appliances. The typical home has at least one connected device in it, be it a thermostat, a television, or an appliance. Given that perception, it might be easy to dismiss the idea of a ransomware attack as harmless. After all, it’s rather unlikely that a hacker will be all that interested in preventing you from accessing your refrigerator or coffee maker.

Can the Internet of Things Solve Environmental Crises?
From tsunami or wildfire warning, air pollution monitoring and prevention to smart agriculture, food management and safety and finally to clean energy, the author of this article is optimistic that IoT-based solutions can help address key environmental issues across the globe.
IoT, AI Lead All Business Tech Investments - By A Lot
Big companies are betting that the Internet of Things and artificial intelligence will bring about the biggest changes in their businesses and they’re putting up money to back that up.

IoT Reality: Market Value less than $0.5T Globally by 2025
IoT undoubtedly offers significant cost savings, improved efficiency, reduced downtime, enhanced supply chain and new business opportunities. However, this article argues that the market value for IoT solutions has been dramatically inflated.

These IoT Challenges Pose the Biggest Threat to Customer Satisfaction and Retention
The IoT presents a world of opportunities and challenges for customer-centric companies. On one hand, it offers a diverse and personalized platform for engaging with customers. On the other, many of its elements are quite complex, which runs the risk of pushing customers away when brands fail to implement best IoT practices.
Crowd Funding

The Everyday Smart Bra: Your Intuitive Wellness Coach
This smart garment monitors your breathing, posture and heart rate variability with biofeedback to help you achieve balance