Justin Grammens
Welcome IoT Weekly News Readers to Issue 102!
We've got lots of great content to cover this week. Over the past few issues I've been seeing a lot more stories and data supporting this idea that the IoT is not going to be as big as everyone predicted or "is dead". I won't go into my thoughts here, but will be writing a blog posting on that subject in the coming weeks. Suffice to say, while there is some truth the statement that IoT is sputtering or declining, the fact is that the term, Internet of Things is not the end game. It's a generic term that we have all glommed onto to describe this new wave of computing. The fact that the name is going out of favor or predictions are off is not a signal of where we are heading with this technology. It's a fact: the world is becoming more connected. Take a detailed read at the headline story of this issue to learn more.
Other than that, lots of other fun stories on devices, Industrial IoT, a Kickstarter and a Connected Teddy Bear that was hacked. Hope you enjoy this issue and please tweet it to your followers!
CES 2017: IoT Is Dead?
Not exactly. IoT is more alive than ever with more connected products and connected product companies than ever before. However, as we predicted for 2017, the term IoT is being used less, and in place of it people are speaking more about “connected products.”
Is LoRa the Game-Changer for IoT?
When considering the Internet of Things people often think of specific technologies, but in fact it consists of three separate levels, says Lars Ridder, who argues in favour of LoRa.

Pressto Button: This Amazon Dash Clone Will Change IoT
Pressto can send unlimited, short messages for free, from anywhere in the world, and that could have a big impact on the Internet of Things.

2017: The Year the Internet of Things Will Die - in a Sense
The edition 2017 of the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in Las Vegas to a high degree is another showcase of "new Internet of Things" gadgets that some like to classify under the term "The Internet of Sh**", on top of other non-IoT related novelties that promise to change the way we drive, watch TV or comb our hair.

IoT Garage Door Opener Garadget Kills Customers' Device over Bad Amazon Review
There's a new, dystopian risk to using internet-connected gadgets: If you complain, the company that made it might remotely kill your product.

The Premier IoT & Connected Consumer Networking Event
Join over 700 senior executives at CONNECTIONS™: The Premier Connected Home Conference, May 23-25 in San Francisco.
CONNECTIONS™, celebrating its 21st year, is the only research event focused on consumer IoT including connected entertainment, connected health, connected car, and smart home industries in an intimate networking environment.
Listen to over 100 speakers discuss use cases and emerging business models that will successfully engage consumers and grow revenues in the converging IoT industries - including smart home, connected health, connected entertainment, and mobile ecosystems.

IoT Teddy Bears Leaks More Than 2 Million Recordings Between Parents and Kids
Interesting article on how poor programming of an Internet-connected teddy bear have leaked the email addresses and password details of more than 800,000 customers online. As an industry, we need to get better on security and stop products like this from being released.
Someone Hacked Every Tornado Siren in Dallas. It Was Loud.
As stated by Reuters in the article, "Dallas residents got an unexpected wake up call Friday, April 8 when all the city's 156 emergency sirens were set off just before midnight. Officials says a hacker was to blame."

Forget The Consumer Internet Of Things: IIoT Is Where It’s Really At
Billionaire publisher Malcolm Forbes coined the saying, “He who dies with the most toys wins.” And upon his death, Forbes certainly had a lot of toys. But in 2016, not all consumers agree with that sentiment when it comes to Internet of Things (IoT) devices.
Crowd Funding

Wireless Human Machine Interface (Display with touch screen)
Combining Wemos D1 mini with Nextion touch screen display and leaving IO exposed, there are endless possibilities for IOT developers