Justin Grammens
Welcome! I'm very excited to share the articles included in this issue as it's validating a number of the trends in the past year on the Internet of Things; specifically with regards to Food Safety, Data Analytics and Device Management. This week we have perspectives on those topics along with an insightful piece by Kevin Ashton about the future of the Internet of Things. Enjoy!
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Internet of Things Will Take a Century to Roll out Completely
As you may or not know, the term "The Internet of Things" was coined by Kevin Ashton in 1999. Kevin is a big thinker and someone who I respect and enjoy reading his thoughts on the future of the IoT. This is another great article by him and one that I highly suggest you read.

IoT Alliances Join Forces to Make Homes Smarter
The Thread Group and Open Connectivity Foundation (OCF) revealed and agreement to drive cross platform interoperability. The issue of cross platform interoperability is a key concern in the smart home market and has historically been a factor in the slow adoption of the IoT for consumers.

Insurers, the New Kids on the Blockchain: Everledger, Guardtime and CGSC Discuss Why
Ensuring cyber security, providing automated services and improving overall customer engagement are all increasing concerns in the dynamic world of insurance and IoT. Blockchain however could be the saving grace to unlocking all of these issues.
Read the white paper with interviews from Everledger, Guardtime and CGSC
IoT Security and Privacy: An Afterthought?
Good article on IoT data, security and privacy. Many of the same question you might have read about in the past, but they talk a little more on the value of the data that is being collected and specifically, who the data WILL value.

Samsung, Nestlé Teaming up for IoT Innovation, but Details Are Scant
This article shows some of the more unique ways that the IoT is changing the world that we live, in particular on food, health and wellness, which are critically important areas that I can see massive growth in the future.

Schneider Electric does IoT on Microsoft Azure
Calling yourself an "IoT Platform" these days is all the rage. But what does that really mean? Schneider and Microsoft are both trying to figure that out. There's a lot of hype, but I use this as another article to point at just how many companies are falling all over each other trying to promote themselves as the partnership that everyone should follow.
Channel Firms Report IoT Revenue Gains
This is positive news! I've learned in my career that when the channel is healthy, you are able to see more opportunities, which can help guide you in the areas of growing your business. IoT seems to be selling more this quarter than any other in the past, which is a sign that we might be at the tipping point.
Big Data

A Methodology for Solving Problems with DataScience for Internet of Things
An interesting article on how various methods of Data Science are being applied today to sensors and data from IoT devices. The article hits close to home as through Recursive Awesome I talk with companies on a daily basis who are looking to turn their unstructured data into structured data to help them gain insights into what is happening in the physical world.

IoT: Food Service Industry Meets Technology in Arby's Deployment
This was an amazing article for me to read as I have had the pleasure of working with The Vista Institute in the past by using technology and smart devices to help fast food restaurants implement better practices around food safety and food processing plants implement HACCP. We were working on solutions to these problems many years ago. It's good to see the media picking up on using technology to help in making our food more safe.

IoT's Big Challenge: Managing Billions of Devices
Amen to this article. I've had countless conversation with companies over the past few weeks all asking details about how large scale deployments are to be rolled out and how the management of these devices works. The short answer is that it's completely doable, the long answer is that many companies aren't doing or thinking about it correctly.

The IoT Makes Inroads Around The Globe
The article is more about what is going on Europe really than anywhere else in the world. However, after you read the article, you'll understand some of the reason as to why smart cities continue to be a hot area for connected devices to show their return on investment.
Microsoft-GE Deal Will Bring Industrial IoT to the Masses
As I covered in a previous issue, GE is pushing their Predix platform hard in all types of industrial and governments applications. Having Microsoft attached to their brand certainly doesn't hurt as they have been seen in some ways as a leader in building a reliable real-time IoT platform in Azure.