Justin Grammens
Greetings! Another fun week covering articles on the Internet of Things. On a personal note, I wrapped up the graduate class I have been teaching on the Internet of Things for the Spring semester. The students produced some amazing work and I plan post thoughts and pictures of the projects on my blog in the future.
In case you missed last week's issue, I thought it would be fun to share the most popular article, which is about Honeywell creating a new division for the IoT.
Finally, I hope you enjoy this issue and please spread the word and tweet it to your followers!

Microsoft Acquires Solair: Plans to Own Enterprise IoT
With the acquisition of Solair, Microsoft jumps into the lucrative and fast-growing Internet of Things market with both feet.

Why Mesh May Remove The "I" From "IoT"
This is a good article both on what the features are of the next mesh networks and some real applications of using it in this new and connected device arena.

Amazon Just Released a Dash Button for AWS IoT
This was all the rage this past week. When the Dash button was released more than a year ago it was viewed as an April fools joke. Well, fool no more, this button is now programmable and from the word on the street there's been huge interest from people to get in and make some cool things using it!

Insights and Analytics Through Connected Products
Using real-time data from the field, Recursive Awesome provides insights and analytics into how your products are being used by your customers. Let us help you build smarter products and mobile applications.

What’s the Connection Between IoT and DevOps?
I enjoyed this article as both DevOps and IoT are two of the fastest growing areas of technology these days as witnessed by the graduate courses being offered at the university in which I teach. Good article on how these two fields overlap.
Hackers vs Home Security: Is the Internet of Things to Blame?
Good article around the basic question of, "Will IoT Lock Down Your House Or Open The Door To Hackers?"

New Business Drives Hitachi’s Internet of Things Strategy
This story was also a close first place on the articles published in our previous issue. When a big company like Hitachi makes a move into the space of creating an online platform, others wake up and take notice. This is just one of the many engineering companies who are getting into cloud and platform development.
How IoT and Customer Data Will Forever Change Marketers' Jobs
Very cool! Ultimately this is the field of work that I'm finding my company increasingly involved in as we consult and drive business solutions based on data that is returned from the customer. As the article states, "It will take time for marketers to reach this point of IoT influence. "

Linus Torvalds Talks IoT, Smart Devices and Security Concerns
IoT was the main topic at ELC, which included an OpenIoT Summit track, and the chief topic in the Torvalds interview.
Intel Open Sources Arduino 101 Real Time OS
This is a really cool! I was just talking today with a group of people at the 2016 Minneapolis and St. Paul Maker Faire about Intel's OS. I'm curious to learn more and see how it might compare with Mynewt
Crowd Funding

Squishy Circuits Kits by Squishy Circuits Store
Squishy Circuits uses play dough to teach electrical circuits. Only a few days left to back a really cool project helping kids learn circuits!
The Missing Raspberry Pi Boards - IOT Prototyping Magic!
Finally, the missing pieces to the Raspberry Pi: Pi2Grover Interface, a Grove Analog To Digital Converter and a Digital Grove Expander