Justin Grammens
Greetings! I hope your week is going well. Lots of interesting debates coming up around the implications to the Internet of Things over what happens in the course case between Apple and the Department of Justice. You'll find a few articles in this issue touching on security, healthcare and big data in general as well. We also get a sneak peek into the Raspberry Pi3 and an app that can help predict earthquakes before they happen!
Finally, I recommend reading some of the principals discussed on the Calm Computing site I reference in the Design section of this issue.
Hope you enjoy this issue and be sure and follow IoT Weekly News on Twitter for all the latest Internet of Things News during the week!

To Predict the Trajectory of the Internet of Things, Look to the Software Industry
This a good article covering 5 points to keep in mind as the capabilities of the Internet of Things unfolds. Suggests that we can use what we have seen with the software industry in the past to predict where things might lead for the Internet of Things in the future.
Earthquake Early Warning System: There's an App for That
I find this technology amazing. The fact that we are able to get data from potentially billions of people with regards to vibrations and pick out earthquakes before the happens has huge potential to same many lives.

Particle offers a suite of hardware and software tools to help you prototype, scale, and manage your Internet of Things products.

If Apple Loses, Your Home Could Be the next Thing That's Unlocked
It's hard to know who to side with on the whole Apple vs Department of Justice case over the encryption of a phone. This article fans the flames a little more by suggesting that if the government gets it's way in the current case it would lead to all the data in your home being opened up. Besides the article, I suggest reading the comments as well. There's some good counterpoints and discussion.
Why Healthcare Data Security is No Longer "Just an IT Issue"
Good article on how it's not just the IT department who should be watching health care data; it's the full ecosystem. As Cyber Deputy Division Chief Tyler Cohen Wood states, "The best thing that top executives can do is change their mindset about data security, and implement a security education program that teaches security awareness concepts to employees at all levels."

Nokia Corporation Growth Partners Pumps $350 Million into Internet of Things
Another big investment by a large corporation not wanting to be left behind as the Internet of Things technology is moving forward with more widespread adoption.
Big Data
Analytics-Driven Embedded Systems, an Introduction
A little bit of a sale job for BuildingIQ, this article stresses the value we will see from collecting data from the environment. As data is the focus of my business, Recursive Awesome, I see a huge opportunity for everything from getting data off wearables to data in smart cities.
The Future of Digital Spying: Home Edition
I've been reading and gaining more interest in the digital health aspects of the Internet of Things. As I was on a panel last week at the MN Entrepreneur Kickoff a lot of the discussion was about privacy and health data. I really like this article as it actually puts some advertising numbers to the value of this data. The value is astounding.

Calm Technology
I've been reading a lot about Calm Technology and trying to work many of the principals into the Internet of Things class I'm teaching at the University of Saint Thomas. This site is a great resource for those designing smart products.

Raspberry Pi 3 Release Is Almost Here, Features Bluetooth LE and Built-in Wi-Fi
I'm excited for the next generation of Raspberry Pi. Built in BLE and Wifi is going to help people build even more interesting connected devices.
Crowd Funding

Hexiwear – a Wearable Development Kit for the IoT Era
Create your own smartwatch, remote sensor tag, or sophisticated home controller with this small, sleek, BLE-enabled, low power dev kit.