Justin Grammens
Welcome to Issue 39 of IoT Weekly News! Lots of great news going on in the area of the Internet of Things this past week to digest and summarize. One of the biggest business stories was Volkswagen's scandal over fuel emissions. I've included an article in this issue on how this relates to the larger picture of the IoT industry as whole. Some other stories to note in this issue is coverage of IoT with wearables from Reemo, a Kickstarter backed learning water meter from FLUID, IBM moving forward with appointing a business leader for its IoT practice and Google launching Dataproc to compete in the Big Data space.
From young startups like FLUID and Reemo to technology veterans like IBM and Google, there continues to be growing excitement around the future of the Internet of Things! We hope you enjoy this issue and please tweet it and follow us @iotweeklynews.

The Hierarchy of IoT “Thing” Needs
To define an IoT “Thing,” the article employs Maslow’s hierarchy of needs — that well-known human psychology paradigm with the most fundamental human needs (physiological needs like air, food and water) at the bottom and rising to the most esoteric needs (self-actualization or expression of full potential) at the apex.
Volkswagen Exposes Massive Flaw In The Internet Of Things
As quoted from the article, "As I’ve stated during IoT conference keynotes before, the focus on the Internet of Things is not the thing itself, but the data generated by the devices and the value within it. What Volkswagen has brought to light is that we are far from being able to trust the validity of the data being generated in the first place."

How Chicago Got Smart About Sensors
The Array of Things - a network of beautifully-designed sensors poised to capture and make public real-time, non-personal data about the livability of a city.
Webroot Offers IoT Security Solution
Webroot's IoT Security Toolkit is designed for vendors and IoT integrators who are looking for a security layer between the IoT and the devices they build.

IBM Appoints Leader for Its Internet of Things Practice
I love that IBM is putting a lot of focus and entergy around the Internet of Things. It shows industry leadership by them and a validation to the market that this is an exciting and growing space for others to join as well.
IMAGE SOURCE: Photograph by Odd Andersen — AFP/Getty Images

Reemo Developing Technology to Help Seniors Live Independently
Great story in the Star Tribune about the local company Reemo developing technology to help empowering independent living.
Big Data

Google Launches Cloud Dataproc, A Managed Spark And Hadoop Big Data Service
With Google focus on the management of the solution stack moving to the cloud, this seems like a logical move. I've seen Microsoft hard at work with Azure putting together sophisticated solutions around Big Data Analytics and Google needs to complete in this growing space. As it's currently free for small sets of data, I for one will be trying it out.

The Internet of Way Too Many Things
The Internet of Things is pitched as good for the consumer. But is it? At this point, it seems exceptionally awesome for those companies working on products for it, but the applicability in some cases is not entirely clear.

The IoT Sector Could Be A $7 Trillion Market Opportunity
Manav Gupta, founder and chief executive officer of Hong Kong-based Internet Of Things (IoT) accelerator Brinc, tells me that the IoT sector could be a $7 trillion market opportunity.
Crowd Funding

The Learning Water Meter by FLUID
Get insight into your water use like never before. Conserve water, save money and detect leaks by monitoring usage in real time.