Justin Grammens
Greetings everyone! This has been another week chalked full of articles in the news on the Internet of Things. Topics covered a wide range of categories from Security, Industrial, Consumer and DIY. As the industry is continuing to attract more and more interest, I'm seeing a number of entities from all vertical sectors talking about the IoT.
If there is a common theme this week, it's the diversity of projects and products that are being introduced. From IBM to startups, there is an increasing number of companies getting into this space by both building solutions and forming partnerships to capitalize on the growth potential.
Be sure that you checkout our lead story below on the "A Primer on Technologies Building the Internet of Things". It provides an excellent overview of where the IoT is today and where it's going in the future.
Hope you enjoy this issue and please tweet it to your followers!

A Primer on Technologies Building the Internet of Things
This is a great primer and well worth the read. Explore the inner workings of the Internet of Things with this deep dive into some of the technologies that make it possible!
Crypto-Fuel Could Power the Growing Internet of Things
UK startup Ethereum has now created another option, in the form of a Bitcoin-like cryptocurrency Ether, the value of which is based on computing power.

Baby Monitor Vulnerabilities Bring IoT Security Issues into Sharp Focus
A security pro at Rapid7 found vulnerabilities in commonplace retail video baby monitors that not only offer prying eyes a look into a family's most intimate moments, but could also “provide a path to compromise of the larger, nominally external, organizational network.”
Online Trust Alliance Releases a Security Framework for the Internet of Things (IoT)
This new framework, named the IoT Trust Framework, is still a draft right now, and companies and organizations are encouraged to join and help shape its content with their expertise.
IBM and ARM Partner for IoT Domination
This deal will let IBM's cloud watch and analyze data from billions of devices on the internet.
Big Data From Big Blue: IBM IoT Platform Will Also Offer Data Analytics Services
IBM announced during the IFA, the consumer electronics fair currently taking place in Berlin, it will supply users of ARM mbed-enabled devices not only with the connectivity, but also with access to data analytics services as well.

Construction Drones Can Keep Track of Progress and Lazy Workers
Cameras that keep an eye on construction sites aren't anything new, but the folks in charge of building the new Sacramento Kings stadium in California are using something a bit more high-tech than usual.

Samsung Launches SmartThings Internet of Things Hub
Samsung hopes to unify disparate Internet of Things devices with its new SmartThings Hub and pack of sensors, which provides secure but open protocols for a range of smarthome devices.

Proffessor Andy Stanford-Clark - Bright Sparks, Leading Lights
In this video Andy describes what has inspired him throughout his career and how he aims to solve everyday problems through the use of electronics and technology.

Upgrading Your Alarm System With an Arduino
Using an Arduino Uno and an Ethernet breakout board we hook it up to the network to allow sending of text messages when the alarm system is armed, disarmed, or triggered.

Future Technology Summit, September 24-25, London
The Future Technology Summit, is an unique opportunity to interact with leading scientists, entrepreneurs, influential businesses & exciting startups, all in the very same place.