Justin Grammens
IoT is clearly still in the "inflated expectations" part of Hype Cycle, but this is exactly where a technologist like myself loves to live. Being a part of the next wave of computing is fun and exciting!
This week's issue covers some of the areas of the Internet of Things that are a little farther out there - drones and self driving cars being two of them. There's also a few cool Kickstarter projects to back for the geek in all of us and if you want to be a part of a really cool event, be sure to register for the IEEE Metro Area Workshop this week.
Hope you enjoy this issue and please tweet it to your followers. Cheers!

IBM Teams with TI on 'Silicon Tokens' to Authenticate the Internet of Things
As I covered in the last issue, IBM made a big splash with their announcement of a $3 billion dollar investment into IoT. This article gives more information into what alliances they are forming and what technologies for collaboration.

It's Official: The Internet of Things Takes over Big Data as the Most Hyped Technology
We all knew this was coming - and in fact this article is from last fall, but the Internet of Things has a lot of hype around it. I did a presentation this past weekend at Minnebar where we talked about the hype curve.
Will the Internet of Things Deliver on Its Promise?
As mentioned in my opening summary of this week's issue, the Internet of Things is riding high on hype. There's a lot of promises being made that claim the technology will solve, but the reality is that there will disappointment and misunderstanding until we understand the appropriate use cases.

Why Biometrics Will Go Hand in Hand with the Wearables Revolution
The technology exists today to gain access to personal data via authentication on your mobile or biometric devices. This creates some interesting business opportunities and value in creating more complex security systems.

VC Funding to Drones Tops $100 Million in 2014
I've been following the drone debate and applications of drones for quite some time. It's good see more funding and interest from startups looking to build solutions in that space for the common good.

Why the Internet of Things Isn't like the Big Bang
Article and accompanying video on the Internet of Things and strategy from Kevin Ashton who has been given credit to coining the term back in 1999.

Why General Motors' Cadillac Isn't Rushing to Join the Self-Driving Revolution (GM)
The big new Cadillac CT6 could get some self-driving features as early as next year. But Cadillac's new president thinks fully autonomous cars would be the wrong move for the brand.
Source: General Motors Co
The AllSeen Alliance – Not Homebound for Long
Podcast episode from the folks over at the IoT Business Show discuss the AllSeen Alliance and AllJoyn with Philip Des Autels and his view of the Alliance’s future.

Samsung Delays Its Next-Gen Home Automation Devices
With all of the new features Samsung was promising, it's not surprising that this release is delayed. I think this is probably a good move since it's better to have the core features solid rather than rush something out the door that is not reliable and buggy.

Watch This Drone Herd Sheep like a Sheepdog
I love this! A farmer in Ireland decided to use a drone to manage his flock and captures it on video. Fun to see all of the new applications people are trying with drones.
Episode 1: How to Build Hardware That Doesn't Suck
First episode from the Internet of Things Podcast since the shutdown of Gigaom.
Crowd Funding

Tiny, Stackable, Linux-Based IoT Module
Tiny dev board with Linux & WiFi + REST API + App Store + High Quality Tutorials + Cool Projects + Vibrant Dev Community = Our Vision
IoT Relay - Home Automation via Arduino, Raspberry Pi or PIC by Team IoT — Kickstarter
High power control relay. Safe and professionally built in an injection molded case, not on a 3d printer. Connects to your WiFi micro.
IEEE 2015 Metro Area Workshop
IEEE Smart Tech Metro Area Workshops provide participants with a unique learning experience with topics on the cutting-edge of technical innovation today.