Justin GrammensJustin Grammens

Greetings IoT Weekly News Readers!

I have another awesome issue covering the latest news on the Internet of Things, but wanted to first point out a few articles of interest. First, is an article on how "IoT Could Be the Killer App for Blockchain". I was asked recently by the folks at Omni PCB to give my thoughts on what I see on the horizon. Blockchain and IoT were one of my top picks.

Another cool article is on "Bringing Collective Intelligence to The Industrial Internet of Things Makes Devices Compute". Industry 4.0 is an area we have been working in for years and are seeing a lot of interest in by companies of all sizes at Lab 651. The article in this issue gives a really good overview of the changes that I'm seeing around Industrial IoT and forward thinking applications.

Finally, if you are in the Twin Cities, you definitely should take part in the 5th annual IoT Hackday on Oct 27th, 2018. This is an event where we bring together more than 2 dozen team to compete and build a fun and unique IoT products. This is the only Hackday that specifically covers the Internet of Things in the upper midwest and I'm proud to say that as one of the cofounders, it's been an event that I love being a part of each and every year.

I hope you enjoy this issue and remember to follow us on LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook

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