Justin Grammens
Welcome IoT Weekly News Readers!
With so many articles published this past week on the Internet of Things, it was hard to whittle the list down to a manageable size. You'll definitely want to checkout the "End of Cloud Computing" story in the Video section and also don't miss the lead story, "Elephant Goring To Internet Of Things" with Tom Siebel. Lots of other great coverage on Blockchain, AWS Greengrass, IoT Design with Amber Case and a new Industrial Internet of Things product called Praeco, formed as a joint venture between Lab 651 and Keystone Automation
The momentum around the Internet of Things is continuing to grow! I had the honor of being involved this past week in a few separate discussions with the Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development, Minnesota Chamber of Commerce and number of local technology businesses around how IoT Fuse can continue to help and shape how businesses might continue to see Minnesota as a leader in using this next generation of technology in their business. There's a lot of interest both at the local and federal government level as the IoT matures.
I hope you enjoy this issue and remember to follow us on LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook

Elephant Goring To Internet Of Things
Q&A with Tom Siebel. Tom is the founder, CEO and chairman of C3 IoT, an IoT platform and applications company. During the 1980s Siebel worked and was an executive at Oracle. A serial entrepreneur, Siebel founded Siebel Systems in 1993 and sold it to Oracle for $5.8 billion in 2006.
Nearly 3/4th of Internet of Things Projects Are Failing
While Internet of Things (IoT) ecosystem is gaining momentum globally, a new survey has found that enterprises did not consider nearly a third of all the completed projects a success and plenty of things can be done to get more projects out of pilot.

Satellites Are Critical for IoT Sector to Reach Its Full Potential
According to research firm Gartner, more than 20 billion connected things will be in use worldwide by 2020. From connected vehicles to connected homes, the Internet of Things (IoT) promises a host of benefits for industry and consumers.

IoT Fuse Hosts Conferences, Hackdays and Monthly Meetups!
IoT Fuse unites accomplished doers, makers and hackers with the brightest executives, investors, entrepreneurs through a yearly conference, hackathons, meetups and more. Join us at an upcoming event!

Internet of Things and Blockchain Technology: How Does It Work?
Blockchain or in looser terms, distributed ledger tech has been touted as the solution to these challenges. It is important to make this distinction between true Blockchains and other types of public or private distributed ledgers, as apart from some services that are being developed using the Bitcoin, Ethereum or other public Blockchains.
Balancing the Risks of the Internet of Things
The connected world is here, and the Internet of Things (IoT) promises a plethora of business benefits such as automated services, optimized resource utilization, better green credentials, and so on. But as with all new technologies, there are new risks, and the risk/value balance must be considered.

Microsoft: Government Should Regulate IoT Security
Security is one of the biggest challenges in the budding IoT space, as companies rush products to the hot new market. Currently the “bar is low” for IoT security, George said.
SoCs Becoming High-Value Targets for Attacks
In the realm of IoT security vulnerabilities, there’s been a lot of talk about the open source Mirai botnet software, but it only leverages the low hanging fruit. Mirai works because some DVRs, routers and similar devices ship with default passwords that users are not required to change. While this will continue to plague us in the internet security industry for years to come, it is a solvable problem that will gradually fade.

Why Partnerships Are Key to IoT Success
The Internet of Things (IoT) is increasingly pervasive, with a recent report from IDC estimating that there will be over 82 billion connected devices by 2025. Unfortunately, despite the growing ubiquity of IoT projects, a recent study from Cisco showed that nearly 75% of projects fail, with even those that were actually delivered seldom regarded as a success.

Lab 651
Lab 651 has an immediate opening for a Lead Software Engineer to help us build new and exciting technology for the Internet of Things. We are offering an amazing opportunity to get in with a fast, growing company that is building fun IoT solutions for a variety of customers. Click our logo to learn more and submit your resume today! Local candidates only.

Lab 651 Partners with Keystone Automation to Offer Practical Industrial Internet of Things Solutions
Available for delivery today, the Praeco IIoT Signaling Device can be used in a wide variety of industrial applications to help give you visibility into what is happening at your facility.

The End of Cloud Computing
"I'm going to take you out to the edge to show you what the future looks like." So begins a16z partner Peter Levine as he takes us on a "crazy" tour of the history and future of cloud computing -- from the constant turns between centralized to distributed computing, and even to his "Forrest Gump rule" of investing in these shifts.

Author Amber Case on How to Design Non-Intrusive, 'Calm' Technology
How can our devices take advantage of location, proximity and haptics to help improve our lives instead of get in the way? How can designers can make apps “ambient” while respecting privacy and security? This talk will cover how to use principles of Calm Technology to design the next generation of connected devices. We’ll look at notification styles, compressing information into other senses, and designing for the least amount of cognitive overhead.

AWS Responds to Demand for IoT Edge Computing
AWS Greengrass, which was launched in limited preview late last year, is software that allows customers to run AWS compute, messaging, data caching, and sync capabilities on connected devices. With access to AWS Greengrass, they will be able to reap the benefits of AWS Lambda, an AWS compute service that lets you run code without provisioning or managing servers.

The Top 7 Linux IoT Projects
It’s a Linux world, and the rest of computing is just living in it – often literally, thanks to containerization. IoT, in all of its manifold forms, is no exception, and the Linux Foundation lists these seven projects as the key players in the march of connected open-source systems. Here’s a quick rundown.
Extending the Reach of the Web to Bluetooth Devices
Web Bluetooth has reached a remarkable level of maturity and is implemented in a significant percentage of the browsers installed on desktop and mobile devices. It has been developed in a W3C community group and to move to full W3C Recommendation status will still need to move through a W3C working group.