Justin Grammens
Welcome IoT Weekly News Readers!
This week's issue is full of up to date articles on Security, Analytics and Business Use Cases where the Internet of Things is applicable. Additionally, I was blessed to be interviewed by Stephen Dupont, a highly respected expert in public relations, marketing communications, and branding. He published a discussion we had on Harnessing the Power of the Internet of Things. He asked some really great questions during our conversation, which gave me the opportunity to expand one some of the things I'm seeing as the Internet of Things evolves.
Hope you enjoy this issue and please tweet it to your followers!

Harnessing the Power of the Internet of Things
In this article Stephen Dupont states, "Imagine, if you will, a day when everything, and I mean everything, is connected to the Internet. Not just your thermostat or your home security system. Or your appliances. I’m talking everything."...

A Closer Look at the Internet of Things 2.0 – and Why It's Inevitable
Once 46 billion devices, sensors and actuators are connected by 2021 – according to Juniper – we'll be well on the way to a bigger, more powerful and much more settled Internet of Things (IoT). So what will an IoT 2.0 look like?

A Sensible Internet of Things Investment House?
Internet of Things startup investment firm Breed Reply is a curious creature, pouring cash into IoT companies that aren’t punting laughably silly technology.

The Premier IoT & Connected Consumer Networking Event
Join over 700 senior executives at CONNECTIONS™: The Premier Connected Home Conference, May 23-25 in San Francisco.
CONNECTIONS™, celebrating its 21st year, is the only research event focused on consumer IoT including connected entertainment, connected health, connected car, and smart home industries in an intimate networking environment.
Listen to over 100 speakers discuss use cases and emerging business models that will successfully engage consumers and grow revenues in the converging IoT industries - including smart home, connected health, connected entertainment, and mobile ecosystems.

How IoT Data Analytics Will Give Businesses a Competitive Edge
I found this article very timely as is states that, "according to McKinsey & Company, the potential economic impact of the IoT could reach $11 trillion per year in 2025, which is equivalent to around 11 percent of the world economy".

A Clever Plan to Secure the Internet of Things Could Still Have Big Drawbacks
New botnets crop up to conscript routers and security cameras, hackers exploit medical devices to compromise entire hospital networks, and smart toys still creep on kids. Internet infrastructure company Cloudflare, though, has spent the last 18 months working on a fix.

How Blockchain Startups Will Solve The Identity Crisis For The Internet Of Things
Identity protection is an emerging area for the The Internet of Things. Millions of inexpensive consumer devices ship with a default username and password, but some of them end up in your house. Read on as to how us, as an industry making physical, connected products can do better.

More Than Two-Thirds of Consumers Are Concerned About IoT Device Security
At Lab 651 our tag line is "Connecting the Physical World with the Digital Universe). This article touches on many of the key differentiators that we speak to our clients about at Lab 651. One of the key items is security and making sure the information that is collected is not only secure but authorized.

Why Do IoT Companies Keep Building Devices with Huge Security Flaws?
It is still early days in the world of IoT, but it’s a fast-moving world, with billions of new devices being connected every year. And the window on building a trustworthy ecosystem is closing.

IoT Logistics Technology Gaining Speed in Freight Industry
Initially slow to take off, the internet of things is enabling sophisticated sensors that give logistics providers more visibility into inventory and freight vehicles.

Five Retail IoT Use Cases, When Retailers Finally Get Around to IoT
Cloud computing, edge processing networks, big data analytics, and even artificial intelligence have all added new dimensions to IoT that make the dream that much closer to reality today than the solutions available 15 years ago.